Not to be dramatic or anything but a few years ago, I changed my lifestyle in a pretty drastic way. For the first time in my life (without being forced to by my parents or gym teacher), I began to exercise. Oh, and I cut out most carbs. Please don't stop reading! I promise that low carb-ers still eat good food.
A few days ago, someone asked me what I like to cook/eat. I right away started listing vegetables. She replied, "no...what do you LIKE to eat?". And that, my new friends, is what this blog is all about: giving healthy food a good name. Not only that, but giving healthy lifestyle a good name too.
Some disclaimers/facts/things I feel you, my stalker reader should know:
- I am not a doctor. Which brings me to point #2...
- I am not a nutritionist. Maybe one day. But for now I just enjoy (or attempt) leading a healthy lifestyle. I know most of the world (like myself) finds it challenging, and I certainly don't have it down pat 100%. People frequently ask me for meal ideas and I decided it was time to get moving on this blog and give my ideas in this forum.
- I have no game plan with this blog. Yet. I'm totally open to ideas, recipe requests, joke requests, rant requests- you name it, I'm open to it.
- I love peanut butter. And blueberries. Both will be chronically discussed. So if we got any allergies here, bring your Epipen.
Do you eat the blueberries WITH the peanut butter? Because that would be...interesting.